Canadian Literature: Transatlantic, Transcontinental, Transcultural

Research is conducted on European culture/s in Canada and its impacts on Canadian literature, especially by writers of Italian, Ukrainian, Icelandic, Jewish, German and Mennonite backgrounds. The concepts of Life Writing, memory, and imagology lay the groundwork for our analyses.
Cultural transfer within and across geographical as well as political borders is examined, particularly in connection with the close social, political, and cultural ties between the United States and Canada, "the other America."
The increasing influence of Asian immigration to Canada and its writing does not only allow explorating Canada as an ethnic and postnational society, but also offers an opportunity to study Canadian literature's role in a globalized world. Research on transcultural interactions involving Canada's 'First Nations' is also being conducted.
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Department of English
Universität Wien
Campus d. Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2-4/Hof 8.3
1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-424 01
F: +43-1-4277-9424